Tracker VR

As a side project we’ve been using the HTC Vive’s new Tracker devices to develop ways of tracking any external objects within the VR environment. Of course, we chose our pet cat as a starting point, so the project started off as being known as the VR Cat!


Cat Tracked B


‘Tracker VR’ is in development, and will let you track moving objects so you can use VR safely. We started the project tracking our cat, as you can read here.


For regular updates, follow our Tracker VR twitter account.



If you would like to help us – you could donate towards develop and material costs! Either use our PayPal button below, or send us via

Thank you!




About Our Cats

At Triangular Pixels, all our employees have cats. In fact, there’s four of us, and four of them. Interesting, there’s a 50/50 gender split in both humans and cat workers!
Katie’s and John’s is the test subject, a 10 year old male.




It’s a little rough – we need to find how to record from the compositor in a better way.



Development Blog

Have a read about the development of Tracker VR here.

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